Water Hygiene Testing

Eurofins companies is a leading provider of water testing services and can now offer these services UK wide at our laboratories in Wolverhampton, Grimsby, Heathrow and Livingston. Our laboratories are UKAS accredited to ISO 17025 for water hygiene testing and have membership with the Legionella Control Association.
Eurofins companies offers microbiological and chemical water testing for a wide range of water types from:
- Cooling towers
- Air conditioning systems
- Hot and cold water services
- Domestic showers
- Swimming pools
- JacuzziⓇ and spas
Water systems hygiene
With extensive experience in the microbiology of water, Eurofins companies provides UKAS accredited analysis for the isolation and enumeration of a number of micro-organisms that are important in assessing the safety of water. Our range of services includes:
- Legionella & total viable counts analysis for cooling towers, showers, calorifiers and spas in accordance with L8 HSG274 parts 1-3
- 24 Hour Legionella analysis by PCR
- 24 Hour Pseudomonas Aeruginosa analysis by IDEXX Pseudalert
- Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Coliform, total viable counts, Cryptosporidium analysis for swimming pools, Jacuzzis and spas.
- Coliform & total viable counts analysis for potable water systems
- Sulphate reducing bacteria, nitrate reducing bacteria, Pseudomonas analysis for Closed heating and chilled systems
Sample collections are provided using Eurofins companies refrigerated transport from a nationwide network of secure collection points. All Eurofins companies vehicles are installed with tracking software ensuring complete traceability whilst samples are in transit to the laboratory.
Eurofins companies Waters team has many years of experience with highly trained and knowledgeable employees who pride themselves on understanding your need for an accurate and robust testing partner who always deliver in a timely manner.
We are proud of our reputation for outstanding customer care and service excellence, delivering significant benefits and value to our clients across a wide range of commercial, industrial and healthcare sectors.