Analytical packages - drinking water

Analytical packages - drinking water
Eurofins has analysed PFAS for many years in matrices such as water and food alongside other environmental matrices and products. Both range and accreditation are extensive in combination with low reporting limits (LOQ).
We have the possibility to analyse around 50 PFAS. This includes "regular" sulfonates/carbonates, telomeres etc and a number of so-called PreFOS (PFOS precursors). These can be determined together with some neutral PFAS (e.g. telomer alcohols) and "novel" PFAS such as GenX, (A)DONA, F-53B and PFECHS. Linear and sum of branched forms can be reported for water. For water, the range of compounds covers relevant EU and Scandinavian regulations. The methods are accredited and most compounds/matrices. TOP (total oxidizable precursors) is offered for water and soil. Delivery times (TAT) are short (7 cal days for standard packs) and there are different express options (times may vary for matrix and pack).
PFAS in drinking water – packages
Eurofins offers a number of packages that can be used to analyse your water in accord with EU PFAS4, DWD20, SE SLV21, DK22 regulations and also a bigger pack that can be used for a more extensive screening (includes UK DWI47). Accreditation for clean waters covers drinking, surface and groundwater. For unclean waters e.g. waste or process waters there are alternative packs that can be used. There is also a possibility to create customized packages for bigger or recurring monitoring. We can also provide TOP assay (total oxidizable precursors) and extended reporting of linear and branched forms. For quality and operational reasons, we would like that you use the “PFAS bottles” we supply. For each pack 2 pcs of 100ml bottles is required.
If you would like to discuss PFAS please contact us here