Published Biomnis Articles

2017 Articles
- Kerley CP., Hutchinson K., Bramham J., McGowan A., Faul J., and Cormican L., (2017). Vitamin D improves selected metabolic parameters but not neuropsychological or quality of life indices in OSA: A pilot study. Journal of clinical sleep medicine: JCSM: official publication of the American Academyof Sleep Medicine 13 (1), 19–26.
- Hutchinson K., Healy M., Crowley V., Louw M., and Rochev Y., (2017). Verification of Abbott 25-OH- D Vitamin D assay on the architect system. Practical Laboratory Medicine 7, 27–35
2016 Articles
- Hutchinson K, Kerley C, Cormican L, Faul J, Greally P, Coghlan D, Louw M, Elnazir B, Rochev Y., (2016). Association of vitamin D receptor TaqI gene variant in Exon 9 and ApaI in intron 8 with uncontrolled paediatric asthma in Ireland. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 30 (10),S363–S419.
- Hutchinson K., Kerley C., Cormican L., Rochev Y., and Faul J., (2016). The association between 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Airway Obstruction in Asthma. Irish Medical Journal 109 (3), 371.
- Hutchinson K, Kerley C, Elnazir B, Couglan D, Greally P, Rochev Y, Faul J, (2016). A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation for Irish children with asthma: baseline data. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 183 (Suppl 9), S437–S471.
- Kerley C, Hutchinson K, Bolger K, McGowan A, Faul J, Cormican, (2016). Serum Vitamin D Is Significantly Inversely Associated with Disease Severity in Caucasian Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: A Case Control Study 39(2), 293-300.
- Kerley C, Hutchinson K, Cormican L, Faul J, Greally P, Coghlan D, Elnazir B, (2016). Vitamin D3 for uncontrolled childhood asthma: A pilot study. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 27(4), 404-412
2015 Articles
- Zwaenepoel k, Merkle D, Cabillic F, Berg E, Belaud-Rotureau MA, Grazioli V, Herelle O, Hummel M, Le Calve M, Lenze D, Mende S, Pauwels P, Quilichini B, Repetti E. Automation of ALK gene rearrangement testing with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH): A feasibility study. Exp Mol Pathol 2015 ; 98:113-118.
- Dufour-Rainfray D, Moal V, Cloix L, Mathieu E, Gauchez AS, Brossaud J, Corcuff JB, Fraissinet F, Collet C, Boux de Casson F, Guilloteau D, Emond P, Reynier P, Groupe de Biologie Spécialisée de la SFMN : Agin A, Bach K, Charrié A, Chikh K, Desbène C, Dousset B, Georges A, Guenet D, Lacroix I, Lamy PJ, Leban M, Leloupp AG, Massart C, Masson D, Moineau MP, Piketty M, Reix N, Sault C, Schlageter MH, Tse C. Dosages des stéroïdes par spectrométrie de masse. Ann Biol Clin 2015;73:70-8.
- Bailly S, Maubon D, Fournier P, Pelloux H, Schwebel C, Chapuis C, Foroni L, Cornet M, Timsit JF. Impact of antifungal prescription on relative distribution and susceptibility of Candida spp. - Trends over 10 years. J Infect 2015 Oct 28. pii: S0163-4453(15)00342-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2015.09.041
- Servant-Delmas A, Ly TD, Hamon C, Kassim Houdah A, Laperche S. Comparative performance of three rapid HBsAg assays for detection of HBs diagnostic escape mutants in clinical samples. J. Clin. Microbiol 2015 ; 53:3954-3955.
- Spaggiari E, Czerkiewicz I, Sault C, Dreux S, Galland A, Salomon LJ, Ville Y, Muller F. Impact of Including or Removing Nuchal Translucency Measurement on the Detection and False-Positive Rates of First-Trimester Down Syndrome Screening. Fetal Diagn Ther 2015, DOI:10.1159/000442198.
Kerley CP, Hutchinson K, Bolger K, McGowan A, Faul J, Cormican L.Serum Vitamin D Is Significantly Inversely Associated with Disease Severity in Caucasian Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: A Case Control Study. Sleep. 2015 Aug 31.
2015 Other Publications
- Becker M, Egéa G, Taoud M, Ahmed Chaouch D, El Mouatassim S. Intérêt du Dépistage Prénatal Non Invasif dans le diagnostic des aneuploïdies 13, 18 et 21. 20èmes Journées de Médecine Foetale, Morzine, mars 26-28, 2015.
- Mokhtari C, Ebel A, Reinhardt B, Merlin S, Proust S, Roque-Afonso AM. Résolution des échecs de génotypage de la technique Abbott RealTime HCV Genotype II par un test temps réel additionnel. 17èmes Journées Francophones de Virologie, Paris, avril 9, 2015.
- Bouthry E, Ly TD, Vauloup-Fellous C. Evaluation of three fully automated assays for the detection of cytomegalovirus IgM and IgG: DiaSorin LIAISON® XL, Abbott Architect ® and Roche Cobas 6000®. 25th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Copenhagen, April 25-28, 2015.
- Becker M, Egéa G, Camilli K, Robin M, Roumiguières M, Rigollet L, Stagnara J, El Mouatassim S. La SNP array : un outil complémentaire pour la caractérisation des hémopathies malignes. 35e congrès de la SFH, CNIT Paris la Défense, avril 1-3, 2015.
- Rigollet L, Stagnara J, Milhau A, Pellegrina L. Characterization of normal and pathological lymphoid populations: validation of a 10-colors flow cytometry protocol for routine diagnosis. 20Th Congress European Hematology Association, Vienna, June 11-14, 2015
2014 Articles
- Gonzalo P, Radenne S, Gonzalo S. Biomarkers of chronic alcohol misuse2013 ; 37:80-4. Curr Biomark Find 2014 ; 4 :9-22.
- Agmon-Levin N, Damoiseaux J, Kallenberg C, et al. Collaborators :Chydériotis G et al. International recommendations for the assessment of autoantibodies to cellular antigens referred to as anti-nuclear antibodies. Ann Rheum Dis 2014 ; 1:17-23.
- Bachelet JT, Buiret G, Chevallier M, Bergerot JF, Ory L, Gleizal A. Infection à Conidiobolus coronatus révélée par une tumeur de la face ; Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac Chir Orale 2014, janv.
- Fulla Y, Gauchez AS, Thuiller F, Morin JF, Charrie A, Sault C, Lamy PJ, Rebillard X. Réévaluation des dosages de PSA disponibles en France en 2012 ; Med Nuc 2014 ; 38 :11-13.
- Souberbielle JC, Benhamou CL, Cortet B, Rousière M, Roux C, Abitbol V, Audran M, Bachetta J, Beauchet O, Blain H, Breuil V, Briot K, Brunet P, Chanson P, Cormier C, Courbebaisse M, Fardellone P, Fouque D, Friedlander G, Gauvain JB, Groussin L, Houillier P, Jacot W, Jean G, Kamenicky P, Lafage-Proust MH, Legrand E, Levy-Weil F, Linglart A, Mallet E, Marcelli C, Maruani G, Montagnon F, Personne V, Prié D, Raynaud-Simon A, Rolland Y, Salle B, Sault C, Schott AM, Thervet E, Urena-Torres P, Viard JP, Weryha G, Pierrot-Deseilligny C, Young J, Thomas T.Rapport de la HAS sur les dosages de vitamineD : ne passons pas d’une situation extrême à une autre situation tout aussi extrême ; Presse Med 2014 ; 43 :5-8.
- Souberbielle JC, Benhamou CL, Cortet B Rousière M, Roux C, Abitbol V, Annweiler C, Audran M, Bacchetta J, Bataille P, Beauchet O, Bardet R, Benachi A ? Berenbaum F, Blain H, Borson-Chazot F, Breuil V, Briot K, Brunet P, Carel JC, Caron P, Chabre O, Chanson P, Chapurlat R, Cochat P, Coutant R, Christin-Maitre S, Cohen-Solal M, Combe C, Cormier C, Courbebaisse M, DebrusG, Delemer B, Deschenes G, Duquenne M, Fardellone P, Fouque D, Friedlander G, Gauvain JB, Groussin L, Guggenbuhl P, Houillier P, Hannedouche T, Jacot W, Javier RM, Jean G, Jeandel C, Joly D, Kamenicky P, Knebelmann B, Lafage-Proust MH, LeBouc Y, Legrand E, Levy-Weil F, Linglart A , Machet L, Maheu E, Mallet E, Marcelli C, Marès P, Mariat C, Maruani G , Maugars Y, Montagnon F, Moulin B, Orcel P, Partouche H, Personne V, Pierrot-Deseilligny C, Polak M, Pouteil-Noble C, Prié D, Raynaud-Simon A, Rolland Y, Sadoul JL, Salle B, Sault C, Schott AM, Sermet-Gaudelus I, Soubrier M, Tack I, Thervet E, Tostivint I, Touraine P, Tremollières F, Urena-Torres P, Viard JP, Wemeau JL, Weryha G, Winer N, Young J. Thomas T. Ostéopathies fragilisantes, maladie rénale chronique, malabsorptions, anomalies biologiques du métabolisme phosphocalcique : les bonnes indications pour un remboursement raisonné du dosage de vitamine D; Ann Biol Clin 2014 ; 72:385-389.
- Abdelhedi F, El Khattabi L, Cuisset L, Tsatsaris V, Viot G, Druart L, Lebbar A, Dupont JM. Neonatal Silver-Russell syndrome with maternal uniparental heterodisomy, trisomy 7 mosaicism, and dysplasia of the cerebellum. Am J Clin Pathol 2014 ; 142:248-253
- Muller F, Dreux S, Czerkiewicz I, Bernard M, Guibourdenche J, Lacroix I, Moineau MP, Read MH, Sault C, Veyrat B, Bidat L, ABA. Dépistage de la trisomie 21 par les marqueurs sériques maternels : justification des commentaires appliqués par les biologistes. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2014 ; 43 :671-679
2014 Other Publications
- Jimenez-Pocquet M, Paubel A, Haye D, Druart L, Blesson S, Himily V, Moizard MP, Raynaud, Jagut E, Perrotin F, Toutain A. Chimère : du mythe à la réalité … 7èmes Assises de Génétique Humaine et Médicale, Bordeaux, janvier 29-31, 2014.
- Strompf L, Géromel V, Le Maréchal C, Ronsin C. Hémochromatose de type 1 Géne HFE. Erreur dans le génotypage de la mutation p.His63Asp. 7èmes Assises de Génétique Humaine et Médicale, Bordeaux, janvier 29-31, 2014.
- Grégory Egea, Martine Becker, Cécile Ranieri, Mohamed Taoudi, Djihène Ahmed-Chaouch, Karine Camilli, Saïd El Mouatassim. Un marqueur chromosomique surnuméraire analphoïde du chromosome 3 en prénatal. 7èmes Assises de Génétique Humaine et Médicale, Bordeaux, janvier 29-31, 2014.
- Saïd EL Mouatassim, Fayolle Evelyne, Djihène Ahmed-Chaouch, Mohamed Taoudi, Pascal Mouty, Martine Becker. Diagnostic de la mucoviscidose par PCR multiplex et séquençage de nouvelle génération. 7èmes Assises de Génétique Humaine et Médicale, Bordeaux, janvier 29-31, 2014.
- Laurence Pellegrina, Evelyne Fayolle, Saïd El Mouatassim, Meyer Michel Samama. Séquençage nouvelle génération (NGS) et pharmacogénétique appliquée à l’hémostase.7èmes Assises de Génétique Humaine et Médicale, Bordeaux, janvier 29-31, 2014.
- Thibault V, Servant-Delmas A, LY TD, Boizeau L, Roque-Afonso AM, Laperche S. « Impact des génotypes du virus de l’hépatite B et des variants du déterminant "A" sur la quantification de l'AGHBS ». XVIè Journées Francophones de Virologie, Paris, mars 6-7, 2014.
- Ly TD. “Sensitivity and Specificity of the serological tests for donor screening. How to choose it”. 6th Croatian Congress of Hematologists and Transfusiologist, Rovinj, March 22, 2014.
- Guis L, Roehr A, Chydériotis G, Farcenio M, Havrez S. Evaluation of the new Elia ASCATM (anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies) on PHADIA® 2500. 9th International Congress on Autoimmunity, Nice March 26-30, 2014.
- Pham B, Musset L, Chydériotis G, Olsson NO, Fabien N. Coeliac disease diagnosis: guideline impact on medical prescription in France. 9th International Congress on Autoimmunity, Nice March 26-30, 2014.
- M. Becker, L. Rigollet, M. Kasbarian, D. Ahmed Chaouch, K. Camilli, S. El Mouatassim. La mutation du gène BRAF dans les leucémies à tricholeucocytes : un marqueur diagnostic de clonalité et une cible thérapeutique pour des patients réfractaires aux traitements classiques. Congrès annuel de la SFH CNIT Paris La Défense (26-27-28 mars 2014)
- V. Jacomo, O. Schaal, G. A. Denoyel. Prévalence de Bordetella Holmesii dans les prélèvements de patients présentant un tableau de coqueluche. 10ème congrès national de la Société Française de Microbiologie à Paris - Institut Pasteur (31 mars - 1er avril 2014)
- Ly TD, Coignard C, Marcenaro C. Performance of two new fully automated immunoassay panels (ARCHITECT and BioPlex® 2200 New EBV IgG) for the determination of Epstein-Barr Virus serological status; 24th ECCMID, Barcelona May 10-13, 2014.
- Ly TD, Coignard C, Zanin D, Pighini A. “Performance of a new and high-throughput automated HIV 1/2 Ab/Ag screening assay”. 33rd International Congress of the ISBT, Seoul May 31-June 5, 2014.
- Samama MM, Lacarrière N, Le Flem L, Richard L, Ninin E, Debue JM. Dosage de l’apixaban – Variabilité interindividuelle. 48e Congrès du Collège Français de Pathologie Vasculaire, Paris Maison de la Chimie mars 19–21, 2014
- Ly TD, Coignard C. Evaluation of five fully-automated Immunoassays for diagnosis of Syphilis. XXVIII International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections (IUSTI) Europe Congress, Malta, September 18-20, 2014.
- Ly TD, Coignard C. Performance of a new HIV 1/2 confirmation assay. 17th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Virology, Prague September 28–October 1, 2014.
- Ly TD, Coignard C. Sensitivity and Specificity of a new and high-throughput automated HIV 1/2 Ab/Ag screening assay. Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Virology, Prague September 28–October 1, 2014.
- Badiou M, Force A, Schubert B. Analyse automatisée du sperme : Une grande fiabilité rapidement acquise. Application à 2 paramètres du spermogramme : la numération et la vitalité. 19e Journée de la Fédération Française d’Etude de la Reproduction (FFER), Issy-les-Moulineaux, septembre 17-19, 2014.
2013 Articles
- Joly P, Lacan P, Garcia C, Desbrée A, Couprie N, Francina A. Two New δ-Globin Gene Variants: Hb A(2)-Saint-Etienne [δ14(A11)Leu→Pro (HBD: c.44T>C)] and Hb A(2)-Marseille [δ22(B4) Ala→Lys (HBD: c.67G>A;68C>A)]. Hemoglobin. 2013 ; 37:80-4
- Guis L, Chaumier A, Le Gall V, Havrez S. Intégration du Capillarys 2 Flex Piercing (Sebia) dans un laboratoire de biologie médicale spécialisée. RFL. 2013 ; 449 :47-56.
- Samama MM, Guinet C, Le Flem L, Ninin E, Debue JM. Measurement of dabigatran and rivaroxaban in primary prevention of venous thromboembolism in 106 patients, who have undergone major orthopedic surgery. An observational study. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2013 ; 35:140-146.
- Samama MM. Which test to measure the anticoagulant effect of rivaroxaban: the anti-Xa assay. J Thromb Haemost 2013 ; 11:579-580.
- Samma MM, Chleir F. Le traitement des thromboses veineuses des membres inférieurs par les nouveaux anticoagulants en 2013. Phlébologie 2013 ; 66 :7-13.
- Mendell J, Lee JF, Chen S, Worland V, Shi M, Samma MM. The Effects of the Antiplatelet Agents, Aspirin and Naproxen, on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of the Anticoagulant Edoxaban, a Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2013 ; Apr 23.
- Samama MM, Amiral J, Guinet C, Le Flem L, Seghatchian J. Monitoring plasma levels of factor Xa inhibitors: how, why and when? Expert Rev Hematol 2013 ; 6:155-164.
- Samama MM, Conard J, Lillo-Le Louët A. Accidents hémorragiques des nouveaux anticoagulants. J Mal Vasc. 2013 ; 38:259-270.
- Samama MM, Contant G, Spiro TE, Perzborn E, Le Flem L, Guinet C, Gourmelin Y, Rohde G, Martinoli JL. Laboratory assessment of rivaroxaban : a review. Thromb J. 2013 ; 11:11.
- 10. Pellegrina L, Couprie N, Chammand M, Chevalier B. Evaluation du dépistage d’anticorps anti-érythrocytaires par méthode Capture-R® sur automate NEO®Immucor®. RFL, 2013 n°204:49-55.
- Rouzaire P, Nosbaum A, Mullet C, Diot N, Dubost R, Bienvenu F, Guilloux L, Piriou V, Bienvenu J, Bérard F. Immediate allergic hypersensitivity to quinolones associates with neuromuscular blocking agent sensitization. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2013 ; may-Jun, 1:273-279.
- Gonzalez M, Jégu J, Kopferschmitt MC, Donnay C, Hedelin G, Matzinger F, Velten M, Guilloux L, Cantineau A, de Blay F. Asthma among workers in healthcare settings: role of disinfection with quaternary ammonium compounds. Clin Exp Allergy 2013 ; Oct 15. doi: 10.1111/cea.12215. [Epub ahead of print]
2013 Other Publications
- Millaret A, Rigollet L, Quilichini B, Pellegrina L, El Mouatassim S, Becker M. Application en routine de la cytométrie en flux 10 couleurs dans le screening sanguin des hémopathies lymphoïdes chroniques. Congrès SFH, Paris, mars 27-29, 2013.
- Ly TD, Coignard C. “Evaluation of New Chemiluminescent Assays for the Detection of MUMPS IgM and IgG antibodies” 23rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Berlin, April 27-30, 2013.
- Ly TD. HIV Serodiagnosis in 2013. HIV Educational Workshop. EuroMedlab Milan, May 22, 2013.
- Ly TD. « Sensibilités comparées, en fonction du génotype, des trousses de dépistage combiné pour la détection de l’AgP24 du HIV». La Biologie Médicale en 2013 : Innovations et Perspectives». Paris, juin 25, 2013.
- Dautigny M, Ebel A, Merlin S, Souchet A, Ronsin C. Prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis in France and comparison with Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae as determined by the APTIMA Trichomonas vaginalis nucleic acid amplification assay. STI & AIDS World Congress, Vienna, July 14-17 2013.
- Pellegrina L, Challand M, Couprie N, Becker M. Mise en place d’une technique de microtitrage pour les anticorps anti-RH1 anti-érythrocytaires. Congrès SFTS, Paris, juin 11-13, 2013.
- Pellegrina L, Challand M, Couprie N, Chevalier B. Titrages d’allo-anticorps anti-érythrocytaires. Evaluation d’une technique automatisée sur automate NEO® IMMUCOR®. Congrès SFTS, Paris, juin 11-13, 2013.
- Samama MM, Guinet C, Le Flem L, Debue JM. Measurement of dabigatran and rivaroxaban in primary prevention of venous thromboembolism in 106 patients, who have undergone major orthopedic surgery. An observational study. ISTH Annual meeting, Amsterdam Juin/Juillet, 2013.
- Samama MM, Guinet C, Le Flem L, Amiral J. Measurement of anti-Xa activity of apixaban in plasma. ISTH Annual meeting, Amsterdam, Juin/Juillet, 2013.
- Ly TD, Coignard C. « Evaluation of six new assays for the detection of Parvovirus B19 IgM and IgG antibodies. ». 16th Annual European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV) meeting, Lyon, September 11-14, 2013.
- Ebel A, Merlin S, Ronsin C. M6. Evaluation de la trousse de PCR en temps réel BIO-EVOLUTION pour la détection simultanée de Bordetella pertussis et Bordetella parapertussis sur plateforme totalement automatisée. 42ème Colloque National des Biologistes des Hôpitaux, Strasbourg, September 30-October 4, 2013
- Ly TD, Coignard C. Evaluation of six new assays for the detection of Parvovirus B19 IgM and IgG antibodies. 5th European Congress of Virology, Lyon, September 11-14, 2013.
- Coignard C, Ly TD. Diagnostic des infections à Clostridium difficile (ICD) : apport des nouveaux tests LIAISON® C. difficile Toxines A et B et LIAISON® C. difficileGDH. 33ème RICAI, Paris, novembre 21-22, 2013.
- Guilloux L. Diagnostic biologique de l’allergie : des valeurs seuils aux composants moléculaires. 47ème journées de biologie Praticienne, Paris Maison de la Chimie, 2013 décembre 6.
- Pellegrina L. Séquençage nouvelle génération (NGS) et pharmacogénétique appliquée à l’hémostase. Sequencing next generation (NGS) and pharmacogenetics applied to hemostasis. 7èmes Assises de Génétique Humaine et Médicale, Bordeaux, 2014 janvier.
- El Mouatassim S. Diagnostic de la mucoviscidose par PCR multiplex et séquençage de nouvelle génération. 7èmes Assises de Génétique Humaine et Médicale, Bordeaux, 2014 janvier.
- Egea G. Un marqueur chromosomique surnuméraire analphoïde du chromosome 3 en prénatal. 7èmes Assises de Génétique Humaine et Médicale, Bordeaux, 2014 janvier
- Chazel M, Marchandin H, Keck N, Terru D, Ponsada M, Jacomo V, Panteix G, Bouzinbi N, Vande Perre P, Bañuls AL, Choisy M, Aubry A, Godreuil S. Evaluation of SLOMYCO Sensititre® Panel for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium marinum isolates ; Montpellier 2013.
2012 Articles
- Samama MM, Contant G, Spiro TE, Perzborn E, Guinet C, Gourmelin Y, Le Flem L, Rohde G, Martinoli JL. Evaluation of the anti-factor Xa chromogenic assay for the measurement of rivaroxaban plasma concentrations using calibrators and controls. Thromb Haemost 2012 ; 107:379-387.
- Gonzalo P, Pecquet M, Bon C, Gonzalo S, Radenne S, Augustin-Normand C, Souquet JC. Clinical performance of the carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) assay by the Sebia Capillarys2 system in case of cirrhosis. Interest of the Bio-Rad %CDT by HPLC test and Siemens N-Latex CDT kit as putative confirmatory methods. Clin Chim Acta 2012 ; 413:712-718.
- Servant-Delmas A, Mercier-Darty M, Ly TD, Wind F, Alloui C, Sureau C, LapeS. Variable capacity of 13 hepatitis B virus surface antigen assays for the detection of HBsAg mutants in blood samples. J. Clin. Virology 2012; 53: 338-345
- Samama MM, Guinet C, Le Flem L. Les nouveaux anticoagulants oraux : prise en charge du patient par le biologiste. Feuillets de Biologie 2012 ; 306:5-9.
- Adrait A, Lebert D, Trauchessec M, Dupuis A, Louwagie M, Masselon C, Jaquinod M, Chevalier B, Vandenesch F, Garin J, Bruley C, Brun V. Development of a Protein Standard Absolute Quantification (PSAQ™) assay for the quantification of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin A in serum. J Proteomics. 2012 ; 75:3041-3049.
- Haddad V, Aboura A, Tosca L, Guediche N, Mas AE, L'Herminé AC, Druart L, Picone O, Brisset S, Tachdjian G. Tetrasomy 13q31.1qter due to an inverted duplicated neocentric marker chromosome in a fetus with multiple malformations. Am J Med Genet A 2012 ; 158A:894-900
- Ly TD, Plantier JC, Leballais L, Gonzalo S, Lemée V, Laperche S. The variable sensitivity of HIV Ag/Ab combination assays in the detection of p24Ag according to genotype could compromise the diagnosis of early HIV infection. J. Clin. Virology 2012 ; 55:121-127.
- Solis J, Witte T, Hiepe F, Messer G, Chydériotis G, Musset L, Pham BN, Fabien N, Olsson NO, Cervera R. Systemic lupus erythematosus dans : The General Practice Guide to Autoimmune Diseases ; p 3-8.
- Olsson NO, Musset L, Chydériotis G, Pham BN, Lachaux A, Rousset H, Fabien N. Coeliac disease dans : The General Practice Guide to Autoimmune Diseases ; p 193-202.
- Samama MM, Contant G, Spiro T, Perzborn E, Le Flem L, Guinet C, Gourmelin Y, Martinoli JL. Evaluation of the prothrombin time for measuring Rivaroxaban plasma concentrations using calibrators and controls: The results of a multicenter field trial. Clin Appli Thromb Hemost. 2012 ; 18:150-158.
- Samama MM, Mendell J, Guinet C, Le Flem L, Kunitada S. In vitro study of the anticoagulant effects of Edoxaban and its effect on the thrombin generation in comparison to Fondaparinux. Thromb Res. 2012 ; 129:e77-e82.
- Harenberg J, Marx S, Weiss C, Krämer R, Samama MM, Schulman S, on behalf of the working party: Methods to determine rivaroxaban of the subcommittee on control of anticoagulation of the ISTH. Report of the subcommittee on control of anticoagulation on the determination of the anticoagulant effects of rivaroxaban. J Thromb Haemost 2012 ; 10:1433-1436.
- Samama MM. Thérapeutique anticoagulante. Savoir ne pas compromettre un progrès attendu. Presse Med 2012 ; 41:557-559.
- Bridoux A, Mousa S, Samama MM. Agents pro- et anti-angiogéniques. J Mal Vasc 2012;37:132-139.
- Lillo-Le Louët A, Wolf M, Soufir L, Galbois A, Dumenil AS, Offenstadt G, Samama MM. Life-threatening bleeding in four patients with an unusual excessive response to dabigatran: Implications for emergency surgery and resuscitation. Thromb Haemost. 2012 ; 108(3):583-585.
- Samama MM, Guinet C, Le Flem L. Do new oral anticoagulants require laboratory monitoring? The clinician point of view. Thromb Res. 2012 ; 130:S88-S89.
- Chevalier B, Jacomo V, Pellegrina L, Couprie N. Ankylostomes et ankylostomiase humaine. EMC Pédiatrie 2012 ; Vol 7, n°4, 2012.
- Laperche S, Leballais L, Ly TD, Plantier JC. Failures in the Detection of HIV p24 Antigen with the Determine HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo Rapid Test. J Infect Dis. 2012 ; 206:1946-1947.
2012 Other publications
- Samama MM, Guinet C, Le Flem L. Influence of new anticoagulants on coagulation tests. Laboratory tests for measuring the new anticoagulant activity. 56th Annual meeting of the GTH, Saint-Gallen (Suisse), February 1-4, 2012.
- Ly TD, Gonzalo S. Evaluation of a new chemiluminescent assay for detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections”. 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), London, March 31-April 3, 2012
- Pierre T., Debruyne D, Kaaroud N, Houssin A. Evaluation of the QMS® Teicoplanin (Microgenics) reagent for serum quantification of teicoplanin on the CDx90® automated analyser, in view of replacing the TDx/FLX. 7e Congrès de Physiologie, de Pharmacologie et de Thérapeutique, Dijon, avril 4-6 2012.
- Samama MM, Guinet C, Gerotziafas G, Le Flem L. Influence of dabigatran on coagulation assays, an in vitro study. ISTH Annual meeting, Liverpool, June 27-30, 2012.
- Samama MM, Guinet C, Le Flem L, Amiral J. Influence of VKA, UFH or LMWH treated plasma in rivaroxaban measurement with different methods based on FX or FXA activity. ISTH Annual meeting, Liverpool, June 27-30, 2012.
- Schubert B, Force A et al. O-156 Thawed blastocysts transfer: outcome according to the day of cryopreservation, day 5 or 6. 28ème congrès annuel de la Société Européenne de la Reproduction Humaine et Embryologie. 28th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Istanbul, 1-4 July 2012.
- Ly TD, Coignard C. Evaluation of new chemiluminescent assays for the detection of Measles IgM and IgG antibodies. 15th Annual European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV) meeting, Madrid, 4-7 September 2012.
- Samama MM, Guinet C, Le Flem L. In vitro response of thrombin generation (CAT and fibrin formation (ROTEM) with enoxaparin, dabigatran and rivaroxaban. 22nd International Congress on Thrombosis, Nice, October 6-9, 2012.
- Mazoyer E, Guinet C, Duflot S, Dhote R, Samama MM. Evolution of thrombin generation (endogenous and exogenous pathway) parallel with the anti-FVIII inhibitor level, in a patient with acquired haemophilia, treated with Mabthera(R). 22nd International Congress on Thrombosis, Nice, October 6-9, 2012.
- Samama MM, Guinet C, Le Flem L, Ninin E, Debue JM. Measurement of dabigatran and rivaroxaban in primary prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients, who have undergone major orthopedic surgery, an observational study. 22nd International Congress on Thrombosis, Nice, October 6-9, 2012.
2011 Articles
- Fauchère JL, Charlier-Bret N, Courillon-Mallet A, de Korwin JD, Raymond J, Burucoa C, Boucher B, Ly TD, Zerbib F, Mégraud F, Delchier JC. Évaluation comparative de 29 trousses commercialisées pour le diagnostic sérologique de l’infection par Helicobacter pylori : étude multicentrique du Groupe d’Etude Français des Helicobacters (GEFH). Feuillets de Biologie 2011 ; 298:25-32.
- Galy O, Chemin I, Le Roux E, Villar S, Le Calvez-Kelm F, Lereau M, Gouas D, Vieco B, Suarez I, Navas MC, Chevallier M, Norder H, Srivatanakul P, Karalak A, Sangrajrang S, Trépo C, Hainaut P. Mutations in TP53 and CTNNB1 in relation to hepatitis B and C infections in hepatocellular carcinomas from Thailand.Hepat Res Treat 2011; 2011, article ID 697162
2011 Other publications
- Druart L. Prélèvements invasifs et RCIU : le point de vue du biologiste. 21e Salon de Gynécologie Obstétrique Pratique ; Paris, mars 23, 2011.
- Pellegrina L, Challand M, Couprie N, Becker M. Evaluation des identifications d’anticorps antiérythrocytaires sur automate Innova® Ortho avec logiciel d’aide à l’interprétation Resolvigen®. XXVe congrès SFTS, Lyon, mai 4-6, 2011.
- Pellegrina L, Challand M, Couprie N, Becker M. Evaluation de l’identification automatisée d’anticorps anti-érythrocytaires par technologie Capture-R® sur automate Neo Immucor. XXVe congrès SFTS, Lyon, mai 4-6, 2011.
- Pellegrina L, Challand M, Couprie N, Becker M. Evaluation de l’identification d’anticorps anti-érythrocytaires sur automate Qwalys 3 Diagast par technologie EM®. XXVe congrès SFTS, Lyon, mai 4-6, 2011.
2010 Articles
- Tarte K, Gaillard J, Lataillade JJ, Fouillard L, Becker M, Mossafa H, Tchirkov A, Rouard H, Henry C, Splingard M, Dulong J, Monnier D, Gourmelon P, Gorin NC, Sensebé L ; Société Française de Greffe de Moelle et Thérapie Cellulaire. Clinical-grade production of human mesenchymal stromal cells: occurrence of aneuploidy without transformation. Blood 2010 115:1549-53.
- Laforgerie E, Boucher B, LY TD, Maisoneuve L, Izopep J, Delaugerre C, Simon F. Sensitivity of 8 CE (European Community)-approved rapid disposable tests for anti-HIV antibody detection during and after Seroconversion. J Virol Methods 2010 165:105-107.
- Miailhes P, Pradat P, Chevallier M, Lacombe K, Bailly F, Cotte L,Trabaud MA, Boibieux A, Bottero J, Trepo C, Zoulim F. Proficiency of transient elastography compared to liver biopsy for the assessment of fibrosis in HIV/HBV-coinfected patients. J Viral Hepat 2010 Feb.
- Samama MM, Martinoli JL, Le Flem L, Guinet C, Plu-Bureau G, Depasse F, Perzborn E. Assessment of laboratory assays to measure rivaroxaban – an oral, direct factor Xa inhibitor. Thromb Haemost 2010 103:815-825
- Lecoindre P, Chevallier M, Guerret S. Les entéropathies exsudatives d’origine non néoplastique du chien : étude rétrospective de 34 cas. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 2010 152 :141-146
- Hull RD, Schellong SM, Tapson VF, Monreal M, Samama MM, Nicol P, Vicaut E, Turpie AG, Yusen RD; EXCLAIM (Extended Prophylaxis for Venous ThromboEmbolism in Acutely Ill Medical Patients With Prolonged Immobilization) study. Extended-duration venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in acutely III medical patients with recently reduced mobility: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 2010 153:8-18.
- La Ruche G, Dejour-Salamanca D, Debruyne M, Leparc-Goffart I, Ledrans M, Grandadam M, Brichler S, Souares Y, Denoyel GA, Poveda JD, Gastellu-Etchegorry M. Surveillance par les laboratoires des cas de dengue et de chikungunya importés en France métropolitaine 2008-2009. BEH 2010 27 juillet n°31-32.
- Samama MM, Conard J, Horellou MH, Le Flem L, Guinet C, Depasse F. Deux nouveaux anticoagulants disponibles en 2010 - Dabigatran Etexilate et Rivaroxaban : progrès attendus – problèmes posés. Ann Pharm Fr 2010 68 :359-369.
2010 Other publications
- Ly TD, Marcenaro C, Dautingy M. Evaluation of Four Fully-Automated Immunoassays for Diagnosis of Syphilis. 20th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Vienna, April 10-13, 2010.
- Hamberger C. Apport du dosage des IgE spécifiques et des antigènes recombinants. 3èmes Journées de l’Association Marocaine de Biologie Médicale ; Tanger 2010 avril
- Chydériotis G. QUANTIFERON : une nouvelle alternative à l’intradermoréaction à la tuberculine. 3èmes Journées de l’Association Marocaine de Biologie Médicale ; Tanger 2010 avril
- Gonzalo S, Tronchet S, Béna C. Comparative study between three automated immunoassays, the new VIDAS, and LIAISON tests for the detection of EBV antibodies. (ECCMID), Vienna april 10-13, 2010.
- Guilloux L. Explorations biologiques en allergologie. 5e Congrès Francophone d’Allergologie ; Paris, avril 27-30, 2010.
- François S, Le Cam S, Mathelier Y, Ebel A. Impact of French sanitary agency recommendations on celiac disease antibodies requests. 7th international congress on autoimmunity; Ljubljana, Slovenia. May 5-9, 2010.
- François S, Marcenaro C, Mathelier Y, Brunengo D. Performance of IGG anticardiolipin assay on a fully automated chemiluminescent analyser. 7th international congress on autoimmunity; Ljubljana, Slovenia. May 5-9, 2010.
- Bugni E, Berger P, Gaulier JM. Intoxication au baclofène (liorésal®) : doit-on craindre une recrudescence des cas ? XVIIIe congrès annuel de la SFTA ; Juan-Les-Pins, juin 8-11, 2010
- Servant-Delmas A, Ly Td, Mercier M, Wind F, Alloui C, Sureau C, Laperche S. Sensitivity of 13 Hepatitis B surface Antigen assays for Mutants detection. ISBT, Berlin Germany, July, 2010
- Laperche S. Ly TD. VIH et difficultés diagnostics : Nouvelles données et cas cliniques. Café scientifique, JIB ; Paris, novembre 5, 2010.
- Le Cam S, Marcenaro C, Pernot MA, François S. Comparison of five methods to detect anti-deamidated gliadin peptides. JIB ; Paris, novembre , 2010.
- Pellegrina L, Couprie N, Challand M, Chovet R, Becker M. Dosage des facteurs de la voie endogène et anticoagulant lupique : utilisation d’un concentré riche en phospholipides en cas d’interférence, GEHT ; Dijon, octobre, 2010
- Dautigny M, Le Cam S, Cornet O, Ly TD. Spécificité et sensibilité du réactif PLATELIA Aspergillus IgG (BIO-RAD) avec protéines recombinantes. RICAI ; Paris, décembre 2-3, 2010.
- Dautigny M, Merlin S, Ronsin C. Evaluation de l’automate VERSANT® kPCR (Siemens) et performance analytique de la trousse VERSANT CT/GC DNA 1.0 Assay pour le diagnostic des infections à Chlamydia trachomatis. RICAI ; Paris, décembre 2-3, 2010.
2009 Articles
- Dalstein V, Merlin S, Bali C, Saunier M, Dachez R, Ronsin C. Analytical evaluation of the PapilloCheck test, a new commercial DNA chip for detection and genotyping of human papillomavirus.J Virol Methods 2009 156:77-83
- Dachez R. Frottis cervico-utérins. Rev Prat MG 2009, 23 : 227-252
- Chyderiotis G. Autoanticorps associés au lupus érythrémateux disséminé. 2009, Spectra Biologie, 28, 171, 30-34
- Dupouy-Camet J, Le Cam S, Talabani H, Ancelle T. Trichinellosis acquired in Senegal from warthog ham, March 2009. Eurosurveillance 2009 14 :63-64
- Guilloux L, Morisset M, Codreanu F, Parisot L, Moneret-Vautrin DA. Peanut allergy diagnosis in the context of grass pollen sensitization for 125 patients: Roles of peanut and cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants specific IgE. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2009 149:91-97
- Gouin I, Samama MM. Competition of unfractionated heparin and idraparinux on activated partial thromboplastin time and effect of exogenous antithrombin. Thromb Haemost 2009 101:986-987
- Gerotziafas GT, Dupont C, Spyropoulos AC, Hatmi M, Samama MM, Kiskinis D, Elalamy I. Differential inhibition of thrombin generation by vitamin K antagonists alone and associated with low-molecular-weight heparin. Thromb Haemost 2009 102:42-48
- Samma MM, Elalamy. Etude de la variabilité de réponse à l’aspirine et au clopidogrel : résistance Clinique et/ou biologique ? Ann Pharm Fr 2009 67 :265-271
- Samama MM. 8èmes recommandations nord-américaines sur la prévention de la maladie thromboembolique veineuse. STV 2009 21 :269-274
- Chydériotis G, Claudel E, Fabien N, Musset L, Olsson NO, Pham BN. Auto anticorps utiles au diagnostic et au suivi des maladies auto-immunes systémiques. Feuillets de Biologie 2009 n°289 25-38
- Samama MM, Depasse F. Des anciens aux nouveaux anticoagulants : le rôle du biologiste. Ann Biol Clin 2009 67 :525-534
- Rousseau MC, Montana M, Villano P, Catala A, Blaya J, Valkov M, Allouard Y, Bugni E. Valproic acid-induced encephalopathy in very long course treated patients. Brain Inj 2009 23:981-984.
- Vandenbos F, Marcq L, Novellas S, Chyderiotis G, Haudebourg J, Benchetrit M, Burel-Vandenbos F. La présence de mycobactéries dans un LBA de sujet immunocompétent n’est pas synonyme de tuberculose. Ann Cytopathol 2009 29:504-506.
- Joly P, Lacan P, Bererd M, Garcia C, Zanella-Cleon I, Becchi M, Aubry M, Couprie N, Francina A. Description of two new alpha variants: Hb Canuts [alpha85(F6)Asp-->His (alpha1)] and Hb Ambroise Pare [alpha117(GH5)Phe-->Ile (alpha2)]; two new beta variants: Hb Beaujolais [beta84(EF8)Thr-->Asn] and Hb Monplaisir [beta147 (Tyr-Lys-Leu-Ala-Phe-Phe-Leu-Leu-Ser-Asn-Phe-Tyr-158-COOH)] and one new delta variant: Hb (A2)North Africa [delta59(E3)Lys-->Met]. Hemoglobin 2009 33:196-205.
- Joly P, Lacan P, Garcia C, Couprie N, Francina A. Identification and molecular characterization of four new large deletions in the beta-globin gene cluster. Blood Cells Mol Dis 2009 43:53-7.
2009 Other publications
- TD Ly, C. Marcenaro, M. Dautigny, A. Ebel, L. Guis. Performance of the BioPlex 2200 Syphilis IgM automated bead immunoassay system. 19th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Helsinki, May 16-19, 2009
- Samama MM, Le Flem L, Guinet C, Perzborn E, Martinoli JL, Depasse F. Effects of rivaroxaban, a novel, oral, direct factor Xa inhibitor, on coagulation assays. 49th Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Society for Haematology, Brighton, UK, April 27-29, 2009
- S. Sabouraud, Bugni E, Panteix G. Ingestion volontaire de Crisax® : un cas d’intoxication au brome ?. XVIIe Congrès SFTA ; La Rochelle 2009 Juin 10-12.
- Le Flem L, Ballon F, Aguilar S. Evaluation of a new kit for quantitation of Platelet Associated Immunoglobulins. ISTH, Boston July 11-16, 2009.
- Ly TD, Dautigny M, Gonzalo S. Evaluation of four fully-automated Immunoassays for the detection of Cytomegalovirus IgM and IgG antibodies. European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV), Istanbul September 27-30, 2009
- Samama MM, Le Flem L, Guinet C, Perzborn E, Amiral J, Depasse F. Suitability of chromogenic anti-Factor Xa methods to measure rivaroxaban in human plasma. XXII Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Boston, USA, July 11-16, 2009
- Ly TD, Servant-Delmas A, Wind F, Mercier M, Laperche S. Sensitivity of Eight Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Assays. ISBT, Nagoya, Japan November 2009.
2008 Articles
- Bouvier C, De Paula AM, Fernandez C, Quilichini B, Scavarda D, Gentet JC, Figarella-Branger D Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumour: 7-year event-free survival with gross total resection and radiotherapy in a 7-year-old boy Childs Nerv Syst. 2008 Jan;24:143-147.
- Malinovsky JM, Decagny S, Wessel F, Guilloux L, Mertes PM. Systematic follow-up increases incidence of anaphylaxis during adverse reactions in anesthetized patients. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2008 Feb;52:175-81.
- Massart C, Corcuff JB, Bordenave L, Sault C for the GBS (Groupe de Biologie Spécialisée, ACOMEN). False-positive results corrected by the use of heterophilic antibody-blocking reagent in thyroglobulin immunoassays. Clin Chim Acta 2008;388:211-3
- Badouard C., Ménézo Y, Panteix G, Ravanat JL, Douki T, Cadet J, Favier A. Determination of new types of DNA lesions in human sperm. Zygote. 2008 ;16:9-13.
- Sault C, Galland A, Dreux S, Muller F. Marqueurs sériques maternels de la trisomie 21 fœtale : conduite à tenir devant une hCG basse. Médecine Fœtale et Echographie en Gynécologie 2008 ;75 :21-23
- Le Gac G, Gourlaouen I, Ronsin C, Géromel V, Bour-garit A, Parquet N, Quemener S, Le Maréchal C, Chen JM, Férec C. Homozygous deletion of HFE produces a phenotype similar to the HFE p.C282Y/p.C282Y genotype. Blood 2008;112:5238-5240
2008 Other publications
- Quilichini B, Huissoud C, Abel C, Allias F, Bisch CH, Gilli M, Ranieri C, Rudigoz RC, Chelloug N. Diagnostic prénatal d’une trisomie partielle 4q28 qter et d’une monosomie partielle 4p16 pter de novo impliquant la région critique du Wolf Hirschhorn. 4e Assises de Génétique Humaine et Médicales, Lille 2008 janvier 17-19
- Le Flem L, Ballon F, Aguilar S. Evaluation d’une trousse de quantification des immunoglobulines associées aux plaquettes, Nîmes 2008 mars 28.
- Petit I. Apport du test respiratoire dans la prise en charge de l’infection à Helicobacter pylori.2èmes Journées Nationales de Biologie Clinique de l’AMBM (Association Marocaine de Biologie Médicale), Marrakech 2008 avril 4-5.
- Dautigny M. Etude de la performance d’un nouveau réactif pour le dosage des anti-IMPO et -PR3 sur automate BIOPLEX™ 2200. CORATA-IBS 25ème Colloque ; La Rochelle 2008 mai 21-23.
- Quilichini B. Facteurs pronostiques clinico-biologiques dans les leucémies lymphoïdes chroniques. Collège d’Hématologie ; Paris 2008 juin 12.
- Quilichini B. L’hématologie : au carrefour de la cytologie et de la biologie moléculaire. 37e Colloque SNBH ; Clermont Ferrand 2008 29 sept-3 oct
- Ly TD, Fihman V . Evaluation of LIAISON Borrelia IgG and IgM Quant Assays. 48th Annual ICAAC/IDSA ; 46th Annual Meeting October 25-28, 2008 Washington D.C.
- Chavrier M, Servent N. Utilisation d’Internet par les couples infertiles. Intérêt de l’évaluation des sites Internet dédiés à l’AMP. 13èmesJournées de la Fédération Française d’Etude de la Reproduction ; Paris 2008 septembre 17-19
- Samama MM, Le Flem L, Guinet C, Carlo A, Depasse F, Woodhams B. Comparaison de l’influence de la Lepirudine, la Bivalirudine et du Dabigatran sur le Calibrated Automated Thrombogram (C.A.T). Congrès GEHT Marseille 2008 1-3 octobre.
- LY TD. « Les tests de dépistage combiné Ag24/Ac VIH-1/2 : performances et limites ». XXème Colloque de Virologie ; Versailles 2008 25 novembre
- Charlier-Bret N, Boucher B, Ly TD, Soussy CJ, Zerbib F, Duran Cordobes M, Fromage M, Poisson F, Courillon Mallet A, de Korwin JD, Fauchère JL, Mégraud F, Raymond J, Delchier JC. Helicobacter pylori IgG : évaluation comparative de 29 dispositifs médicaux de diagnostic in vitro disponibles en France en 2008.RICAI Paris 2008 4-5 décembre.
- Hamberger C, Guilloux L, Thibaudon M. Répartition géographique en France des patients présentant des IgE spécifiques de l’Ambroisie. Colloque Européen Ambroisie Aix les Bains 2008 21 novembre
- Samama MM, Le Flem L, Guinet C, Perzborn E, Martinoli JL, Depasse F. Effects of the novel, oral, direct factor Xa inhibitor Rivaroxaban® on coagulation assays. 50th ASH annual meeting, San Francisco (Etats-Unis), 2008 décembre.
- Samama MM, Kunitada S, Oursin A, Depasse F, Haque N. Study of coagulation and platelets response in an open label-randomised non treatment and active controlled (Dalteparin, ximelagatran and DU176b) in 4 groups of elderly healthy subjects. 50th ASH annual meeting, San Francisco (Etats-Unis), 2008 décembre.
- JAMA-GS (Journées d’Allergologie Médicamenteuse et Alimentaire-Grand Sud) : Pour ou contre les tests biologiques indispensables en allergie médicamenteuse. Pour : Laurence Guilloux - Contre : Pascal Demoly Toulouse 21-22 novembre 2008
- Ronsin C. 9ème forum des Jeunes Chercheurs en Odontologie. Conférence “Histoire de la Biologie Moléculaire de 1865 à 2003”. Nantes, Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire - LIOAD Inserm U791 - 2 et 3 octobre 2008.
2007 Articles
- Murati A, Adélaïde J, Quilichini B, Rémy V, Sainty D, Stoppa AM, Bernard P, Olschwang S, Birnbaum D, Chaffanet M, Mozziconacci MJ. New types of MYST3-CBP and CBP-MYST3 fusion transcripts in t(8;16)(p11;p13) acute myeloid leukemias. Haematologica. 2007 Feb;92(2):262-3
- Ly TD , Ebel A, Faucher V, Fihman V, Laperche S. Could the new HIV combined p24 antigen and antibody assays replace p24 antigen specific assays? J Virol Methods. 2007 March 27.
- Flaujac C, Conard J, Horellou MH, Le Flem L, Samama MM. Atypical mutations of the prothrombin gene at positions 20,209 and 20,218, and a novel mutation at position 20,219. Report on 10 patients. J Thromb Haemost. 2007 5:1064-1068
- Flaujac C, Conard J, Horellou MH, Le Flem L, Samama MM. Atypical mutations of the prothrombin gene at positions 20,209 and 20,218, and a novel mutation at position 20,219. Report on 10 patients. J Thromb Haemost. 2007 5:1064-1068.
- Ly TD. Detection HBsAg mutants by immunoassays. J Med Virol 2007 79:S37-S41.
- Roque-Afonso AM, Férey MP, Ly TD, Graube A, Costa-Faria L, Samuel D, Dussaix Elisabeth. Viral and clinical factors associated with surface gene variants among hepatitis B virus carriers. Antiviral Therapy 2007 12:1255-1263.
- Samama MM, Le Flem L, Guinet C, Gerotziafas G, Depasse F. Three different patterns of calibrated automated thrombogram obtained with six different anticoagulants. JTH 2007 5:2554-2556
- Dautigny M, André C, Alexandre M, Leroux C, Farcet JP, Roujeau JC. The benefits of anti-desmoglein 1 and 3 with ELISA testing in the diagnosis of pemphigus. Ann Dermatol 2007 134:7S1-7S70.
- Dautigny M, Roujeau JC, Charnay A, Leroux C, Farcet JP, André C. The benefits of anti-BP 180 screening by ELISA in the diagnosis of Pemphigoid gestationis. Ann Dermatol 2007 134:7S71-7S289.
- Bonniaud P, Favrolt N, Collet E, Dumas JP, Guilloux L, Pauli G, Camus P. Salbutamol, terbutaline and pirbuterol allergy in an asthmatic patient. Allergy. 2007 Oct;62(10):1219-20.
- Ebel A. Public Health and syphilis, a question of strategy. Spectra Biologie N°163, December 2007:3.
- Ebel A. Public Health Recommendations: a priori assessment for syphilis screening in France. Synthesis and perspectives. Spectra Biologie n°163, December 2007 :34-47. A Ebel Working Group Member.
- Lacan P, Aubry M, Couprie N, Francina A. Two new beta0-thalassemic mutations: a deletion (-CC) at codon 142 or overlapping codons 142-143, and an insertion (+T) at codon 45 or overlapping codons 44-45/45-46 of the beta-globin gene. Hemoglobin. 2007;31(2):159-65.
- Mrani S, Chemin I, Menouar K, Guilloux O, Pradat P, Borghi G, Trabaud MA, Chevallier P, Chevallier M, Zoulim F, Trépo C. Occult HBV infection may represent a major risk factor of non-response to antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C. J Med Virol 2007 79:1075-1081
- Pradat P, Voirin N, Tillmann HL, Chevallier M, Trépo C. Progression to cirrhosis in hepatitis C patients: an age-dependent process. Liver Int 2007 27:335-339
- Miailhes P, Trabaud MA, Pradat P,Lebouché B, Chevallier M, Chevallier P, Zoulim F, Trepo C. Impact of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on the natural history of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and HIV coinfection: relationship between prolonged efficacy of HAART and HBV surface and early antigen seroconversion. Clin Infect Dis 2007 45:624-632
2007 Other publications
- Samama MM, Le Flem L, Guinet C, Depasse F. Three different patterns of calibrated thrombogram obtained with Hirudin, Melagatran, Dabigatran, Argatroban, Fondaparinux and Danaparoïd. XXIst Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Geneva 2007 July 6-12.
- Fonfrede M, Samama S, Baron S, Lesellin A, Fihman V, Petit I. Evaluation of the Tosoh G8 automate and the piano software: something new under the stars. 36th National Colloquium of Hospital Pathologists, Dijon (France), October 2007.
- Chydériotis G. Nouveaux tests sanguins dans le diagnostic de la tuberculose. 36e Colloque National des Biologistes des Hôpitaux, Dijon octobre 2007
- Chydériotis G. Expérience d’utilisation du test QuantiFERON TB® Gold IT. 10èmes Journées de Mycobactérie de Langue Française, Lyon octobre 2007
- Sault C., Galland A., Guilloux L. Serological marker abnormalities other than for T21: what other fœtal or obstetrical disorders can we look for ? 21st Meeting of Gynaecology in the Pyreneans, Tarbes (France), October 2007.
- Ly TD, Fihman V, Ebel A. Compared performance between Western Blot and Dot Blot technologies for HIV-1 C confirmation. Congress ISBT, Hanoi 2007 November 10-13.
- Ly TD, Roque-Afonso AM, Servant-Delmas A, Mercier M, Fihman V, Ebel A, Dussaix E and Laperche S. Sensitivity of four new hepatitis B surface antigen assays (Architect, Hepanostika ultra, Monolisa ultra and Modular II). Congress ISBT, Hanoi 2007 November 10-13.
- Quilichini B, Hashemi B, Arnould P, Jouk PS, KermanachN P, Romana SP, Poleggi S, Spanu G, Lewin P, Chelloug N. Diagnostic prénatal d’une masse sacro-coccygienne associée à une monosomie 7q et une trisomie 7p partielles : une forme incomplète de la triade de Currarino ? 12èmes Journées de Médecine Fœtale, Morzine 2007 29 mars au 1er avril
- Guilloux L. Detection methods of IgE: a critical view. Allergy school; Recombinant allergens: from fundamental aspects to clinical applications. Bischoffsheim, 2007 September
2006 Articles
- Siguret V, Gouin I, Depasse F. The benefits of D-Dimers in geriatrics? Practical Gerontology. 2006;170:14-15.
- Ly TD, Servant-Delmas A, Bagot S, Gonzalo S, Férey MP, Ebel A, Dussaix E, Laperche S, Roque-Afonso AM. Sensitivities of Four New Commercial Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Assays in Detection of HBsAg Mutant Forms. J Clin Microbiol 2006; 44:2321-2326.
- Ronsin C, Pillet A, Bali C, Denoyel GA. Evaluation of the COBAS AmpliPrep-Total Nucleic Acid Isolation-COBAS TaqMan Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Quantitative Test and Comparison to the VERSANT HBV DNA 3.0 Assay. J Clin Microbiol. 2006;44:1390-9.
- Trépo C, Laperche S, Thibault V, Ly TD, Poisson F, Larforgerie E. Diagnostic difficulties of varying Hepatitis B Viruses. Biodébat. Spectra Biologie N°156, December 2006:24-31.
- Subtil D, Broussin B, Dommergues M, Bidat L, Sault C, Bernard M, Muller F. Normal values of Maternal Serological Markers: Conclusions. Fœtal Medicine and Ultrasonography in Gynaecology. 2006;65:17-18.
2006 Other publications
- Ly TD, Ebel A. Low limit detection and seroconversion detection studies on three HbsAg assays: genetic systems HbsAg 3.0 (BIO-RAD), ADVIA centaur HbsAg (Bayer), Immulite 2000 HbsAg (DPC). 22nd Annual Clinical Virology Symposium. Clearwater Beach, Floride, USA May 2006.
- Ly TD, Ebel A. Comparative sensitivity study of three third generation HIV screening assays. 22nd Annual Clinical Virology Symposium. Clearwater Beach, Floride, USA May 2006.
- Depont B., Dreux S, Oury JF, Lacroix I, Sault C, Le Porrier N, Muller F. For the ABA Study Group : Maternal serum screening for Down’s syndrome in patients aged 38 years of age and over. International Down’s Syndrome Screening Group, Seventh International Congress, Amsterdam, May 2006
- Commission SFBC Biologie de l'Allergie (Abuaf N, Delvin E , Fremont S, Guilloux L, Hamberger C, Jarjoura S, Laroche D, Lebrun G , Noël M, Malandain H, Morin JF, Renversez JC). An analytical study of three commercial specific IgE assays. XXV Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Vienne (Autriche),10-14 June 2006.
- Le Flem L, Pierre-Eugène D, Depasse F, Samama MM. The benefits of thrombin generation testing in the study of various anticoagulants. Oral speech, GEHT, Saint Etienne (France), 6th October 2006.
- Laperche S, Ly TD, Servant-Delmas A, Bagot S, Gonzalo S, Férey MP, Ebel A, Dussaix E, Roque-Afonso AM. Sensitivity of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Assays to detect HBsAg Mutant Forms. 2nd International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease (ISVHL), July Paris 2006.
- Ly TD. Sensitivity Study of New Generation HIV Ag-Ab Combo Assays Regarding NAT and HIV Antigen Detections. XXIXth International Congress, of the International Society of Blood Transfusion, September Cap Town, South Africa 2006.
- Samama MM, Le Flem L, Pierre-Eugène D, Depasse F. The effect of irreversible and reversible direct thrombin inhibitors and danaparoid on tissue factor mediated thrombin generation. 48th ASH annual meeting, Orlando (United States), December 2006.
2005 Articles
- Souberbielle JC, Fayol V, Sault C, Lawson-Body E, Kahan A, Cormier C. Assay-specific decision limits for two new automated parathyroid hormone and 25-hydroxyvitamin D assays. Clin Chem. 2005 Feb;51(2):395-400.
- Guilloux L, Hamberger C. Measurement of specific IgE on the DPC Immulite 2000 Instrument, analytical evaluation and comparison with the Pharmacia CAP RIA System for 35 inhalant allergens. Rev. Fr Allergol. 2005;45(2):91.
- Lieutier-Colas F, Casset A, ChapmanM , Meyer P, Guilloux L, Pauli G, de Blay F. Specific IgE and IgG4 anti Rat Urinary Proteins in sera from subjects professionally exposed to rat allergens and endotoxins. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005 Feb;115( 2) Supp1: S27.
- Barraud L, Merle P, Soma E, Lefrancois L, Guerret S, Chevallier M, Dubernet C, Couvreur P, Trepo C, Vitvitski L. Increase of doxorubicin sensitivity by doxorubicin-loading into nanoparticles for hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo. J Hepatol. 2005 May;42(5):736-43.
- Bizollon T, Adham M, Pradat P, Chevallier M, Ducerf C, Baulieux J, Zoulim F, Trepo C. Triple antiviral therapy with amantadine for IFN-ribavirin nonresponders with recurrent posttransplantation hepatitis C. Transplantation. 2005 Feb 15;79(3):325-9.
- Maynard M, Parvaz P, Durantel S, Chevallier M, Chevallier P, Lot M, Trepo C, Zoulim F. Sustained HBs seroconversion during lamivudine and adefovir dipivoxil combination therapy for lamivudine failure. J Hepatol. 2005 Feb;42(2):279-81.
- J. Monsonego, J.M. Bohbot, G. Pollin, J.C. Krawec, C. Viincent, I. Merignargues, F.Haroun, P. Sednaoui, L. Monfort, R. Dachez, K. Syränen. Performance of the Roche AMPLICOR Human Papillomavirus (HPV) test in prediction of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in women with abnormal PAP smear results Gynecol Oncol. 2005 Oct;99(1):160-8.
- Gerotziafas GT, Depasse F, Busson J, Le Flem L, Elalamy I, Samama MM. Towards a standardization of thrombin generation assessment: the influence of tissue factor, platelets and phospholipids concentration on the normal values of Thrombogram-Thrombinoscope assay. Thromb J. 2005; 3:16.
- Depasse F, Sensebe L, Seghatchian J, Andreu G, Samama MM. The influence of methylene blue light treatment and methylene blue removal filter on fibrinogen activity states and fibrin polymerisation indices. Transfus Apher Sci. 2005; 33:63-9.
- Perzborn E, Depasse F, Busson J, Samama MM. Comparative effects of rivoxaban, a direct factor Xa inhibitor, and fondaparinux, an indirect factor Xa inhibitor , on inhibition of free and clot-associated factor Xa activity and prothrombinase activity. Article soumis à Thromb Haemost ??
- Levaillant JM, Touboul C, Sinico M, Vergnaud A, Serero S, Druart L, Blondeau JR,Abd Alsamad I, Haddad B, Gérard-Blanluet M. Prenatal forehead edema in 4p- deletion: the "Greek warrior helmet" profile revisited. Prenat Diagn 2005;25:1150-1155.
- Guilloux L, Hamberger C. (IgE levels on the immulite 2000 DPC, analytical study and comparison using the immunocap RIA pharmacia technique for 35 pneumallergens. Rev Fr Allergol 2005:45:91-102..
- Roger M. A Tribute to Andrew V. Schally. Ann Urol (Paris). 2005 Oct;39 Suppl 3:S29-31.
- Roger M. Andrew Schally and his findings. Rev Prat. 2005;Spec. No:5-7.
- Bouchard P, Chaussain JL, Deheunin L, Lahlou N, Roger M. Andrew Schally, the discoverer of the GnRH. Rev Prat. 2005;Spec. No:3.
- Soriano-Guillen L, Lahlou N, Chauvet G, Roger M, Chaussain JL, Carel JC. Adult height after ketoconazole treatment in patients with familial male-limited precocious puberty. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:147-51.
- Ronsin C. The history of Molecular Biology. Pionniers & héros.De Boeck, 2005:106.
- Samama MM, Horellou MH, Elalamy I, Mathieux V, Ombandza-Moussa E, Conard J. D-dimer levels, constitutional thrombophilia, and venous thrombosis prediction: clinical aspects and implications. Semin Vasc Med. 2005; 5:371-4.
- Gerotziafas GT, Depasse F, Busson J, Le Flem L, Elalamy I, Samama MM. Towards a standardization of thrombin generation assessment: the influence of tissue factor, platelets and phospholipids concentration on the normal values of Thrombogram-Thrombinoscope assay. Thromb J. 2005; 3: 16.
- Depasse F, Sensebe L, Seghatchian J, Andreu G, Samama MM. The influence of methylene blue light treatment and methylene blue removal filter on fibrinogen activity states and fibrin polymerisation indices. Transfus Apher Sci. 2005; 33:63-9.
- Bodin L, Horellou MH, Flaujac C, Loriot MA, Samama MM. A vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit-1 (VKORC1) mutation in a patient with vitamin K antagonist resistance. J Thromb Haemost. 2005;3:1533-5.
- Kher A, Samama MM. Primary and secondary prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism with low-molecular weight heparins: prolonged thromboprophylaxis, an alternative to vitamin K antagonists. J Thromb Haemost. 2005;3:473-81.
- Samama MM & co. Haemorrhages and Thrombosis: from diagnosis to treatment. Issy les Moulineaux : Masson, 2005:427.
- Bizollon T, Pradat P, Mabrut JY, Chevallier M, Adham M, Radenne S, Souquet JC, Ducerf C, Baulieux J, Zoulim F, Trepo C. The benefit of sustained virological response to combination therapy on graft survival of liver transplant patients with recurrent chronic hepatitis C. Am J Transplant. 2005 Aug;5(8):1909-13.
- Lacan P, Burnichon N, Becchi M, Zanella-Cleon I, Aubry M, Couprie N, Francina A. A new G(gamma) chain variant: Hb F-Bron [gamma20(B2)val-->Ala]. Hemoglobin. 2005;29(4):301-5.
- Lacan P, Aubry M, Couprie N, Francina A. A mutation of the beta-globin gene initiation codon, ATG-->AAG, found in a French Caucasian man. Hemoglobin. 2005;29(3):225-8.
- Lacan P, Moreau M, Becchi M, Zanella-Cleon I, Aubry M, Louis JJ, Couprie N, Francina A. Two new haemoglobin variants: Hb Brem-sur-Mer [beta9(A6)Ser-->Tyr] and Hb Passy [alpha81(F2)Ser-->Pro (alpha2)]. Hemoglobin. 2005;29(1):69-75.
- Lacan P, Becchi M, Zanella-Cleon I, Aubry M, Quinsat D, Couprie N, Francina A. Identification by mass spectrometry of a haemoglobin variant with an elongated beta-globin chain. Clin Chem. 2005 Jan;51(1):213-5
- Guilloux L, Hamberger C. Peanut IgE measurements on 242 patients in a routine follow up by DPC CAP system RIA Pharmacia and Immulite 2000 DPC. Rev. Fr Allergol 2005 ; 45, 80-81 (poster présenté lors JPA 2005 Paris)
- Hofmann L, Guilloux L, Guerin L, Leduc V. Allergy to cantaloupe (Cucumis melo) and cucumisine implication. Rev. Fr Allergol 2005 ;45,274-275 (poster présenté lors journées nationales société Française d'allergologie. Montpellier 2005)
- Genestier AL, Michallet MC, Prevost G, Bellot G, Chalabreysse L, Peyrol S, Thivolet F, Etienne J, Lina G, Vallette FM, Vandenesch F, Genestier L. Staphylococcus aureus Panton-Valentine leukocidin directly targets mitochondria and induces Bax-independent apoptosis of human neutrophils. J Clin Invest. 2005 Nov;115(11):3117-27.
- Ferry T, Thomas D, Genestier AL, Bes M, Lina G, Vandenesch F, Etienne J. Comparative prevalence of superantigen genes in Staphylococcus aureus isolates causing sepsis with and without septic shock. Clin Infect Dis. 2005 Sep 15;41(6):771-7.
- Morange PE, Tregouet DA, Frere C, Saut N, Pellegrina L, Alessi MC, Visvikis S, Tiret L, Juhan-Vague I. Biological and genetic factors influencing plasma factor VIII levels in a healthy family population: results from the Stanislas cohort. Br J Haematol. 2005 Jan;128(1):91-9.
- Pirrello O, Machev N, Schimdt F, Terriou P, Menezo Y, Viville S. Search for the mutations involved in human globozoospermia. Hum Reprod. 2005 May;20(5):1314-8.
- Guerin P, Matillon C, Bleau G, Levy R, Menezo Y. Impact of sperm DNA fragmentation on ART outcome Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2005 Sep;33(9):665-8. French.
- Menezo Y, Guerin P. Gamete and embryo protection against oxidative stress during medically assisted reproduction. Bull Acad Natl Med. 2005 Apr;189(4):715-26; discussion 726-8. Review. French.
- Lessard M, Struski S, Leymarie V, Flandrin G, Lafage-Pochitaloff M, Mozziconacci MJ, Talmant P, Bastard C, Charrin C, Baranger L, Helias C, Cornillet-Lefebvre P, Mugneret F, Cabrol C, Pages MP, Fert-Ferret D, Nguyen-Khac F, Quilichini B, Barin C, Berger R; on behalf of the Groupe Francophone de Cytogenetique Hematologique (GFCH); The Groupe Francais d'Hematologie Cellulaire (GFHC). Cytogenetic study of 75 erythroleukemias. Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2005 Dec;163(2):113-22
2005 Other publications
- Siguret V, Depasse F, Gouin I. Can D-Dimers be used in the diagnosis of exclusion of Venous Thrombosis in elderly patients? 6th Meeting on Practical Gerontology, Paris (France), January 2005.
- Dachez R. Cervical Smears: tools, standards, reproducibility, report and imagery. (15th Meeting on Practical Gynaecology, Paris, 9th March 2005).
- Coenen A, Petermans J, Samama MM, Depasse F, Collard M. Biological and clinical tolerance of preventive doses of enoxaparine in fragile patients. 39th Congress of the Vascular Pathology College, Paris (France), March 2005.
- Sault C. Interpretation of Serological Marker results (more specifically when under or above normal values). 10th days of Foetal Medecine, Morzine (France), March 2005.
- Dachez R. HPV-DNA testing: current techniques and recommendations. (8th Scientific Meeting of the LCL Laboratory, Paris, 7th April 2005).
- Le Flem L, Pierre-Eugène D. Assessment of a new reactive for assays of protein S and free protein S Antigens. GEHT, Marrakech, 25-27 th May 2005.
- Dachez R. Morphological diagnosis of HPV infection. (HPV infections: evidence and practice – (Training program on HPV genital, PROGIN, Paris, 8th April 2005), Moderator.
- Dachez R. Cervical cancer screening: benefits and recommendations for novel techniques. (Cervical pathologies: latest solutions, Gynovations, Cannes, 9 th June 2005).
- Guilloux L, Hamberger C. Peanut IgE measurement on 242 patients in a routine follow-up by CAP system RIA Pharmacia and Immulite 2000 DPC. Second International Meeting on DPC, Munich 22nd, June 2005.
- Depasse F, Busson J, Mnich J, Le Flem L, Gerotziafas GT, Samama MM. Effect of BAY 59-7939 - a novel, oral, direct factor Xa inhibitor - on clot-bound factor Xa activity in vitro. The International Society on Thrombosis & Haemostasis 20th Congress, Sydney (Australia), August 2005.
- Gerotziafas GT, Elalamy I, Chakroun T, Perzborn E, Depasse F, Samama MM. The oral direct factor Xa inhibitor - BAY 59-7939 - inhibits thrombin generation in vitro after tissue factor pathway activation. The International Society on Thrombosis & Haemostasis 20th Congress, Sydney (Australia), August 2005.
- Flaujac , Conard J, Le Flem L, Elalamy I, Horellou MH, Samama MM. Atypical mutations of the prothrombin gene located at position 20209, 20218 and 20219: a Report of 10 patients. ISTH, August 2005.
- Depasse F, Le Flem L, Gerotziafas G, Pierre-Eugene D, Minch J, Busson J, Samama MM. Standardisation of thrombine generation testing via the Thrombogram-Thrombinoscope method. General Hospitals’ Congress, Perpignan (France), September 2005
- Depasse F, SAMAMA MM. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and cancer.. 34th National Colloquium of Hospital Pathologists, Perpignan (France), September 2005.
- Dachez R. Biological and clinical confrontations in cervical pathologies: experiences and constraints – Training program on HPV genital infection, PROGIN, Paris, 23rd September 2005).
- Augros M, Denis E, Touraine R, Cordier MP, Bouvier R. Multiple microscopic renal angiomyolipoma indicating tuberous sclerosis. (Poster displayed during 20th Congress of European Pathology, Paris 3-8th September 2005)
- Chydériotis G, Ponsoda M. 3 cases of human infection with of M. caprae. Poster displayed during the 9th Meeting of the French Speaking Society on Mycobacteriology, Montpellier (France), 28th Sept. 2005.
- Chydériotis G, Claudel E, Fabien N, Musset L, Olsson NO, Pham BN (European Auoimmunity Standardization Initiative, EASI). Autoantibodies as an aid for the diagnosis and follow up of patients with systemic auto-immune disorders. (leaflet).
- Ebel A., Fihman V., Ly T.D. Evaluation of the LIAISON ANA Screen Assay for Antinuclear Antibody Testing. Preliminary study, Acorata Congress, Toulouse (France), October 2005.
- Ebel A., Fihman V., Ly T.D. Evaluation of the liaison TREPONEMA SCREEN kit for antitreponemic antibodies detection. Acorata Congress, Toulouse (France), October 2005.
- Abuaf N, Delvin E, Fremont S, Guilloux L, Hamberger C, Jarjoura S, LarocheD, Lebrun G, Noël M, Malandain H, Morin JF, Renversez JC. Analytical evaluation of specific IgE assay reactives. International Meeting of Medical Pathology, SFBC Commission on Allergies Medical Pathology, Paris, 4th November 2005.
- Dachez R. Automated Imagery in Cytopathology: an introduction to Cytyc Imager. Training program on HPV cervical infection, PROGIN, Paris, 25th November 2005).
- Hamberger C. IgE specific serological assay as an aid to the diagnosis of allergies: method and result interpretation. 3rd Meeting on Clinical Pathology, Sfax, Tunisia, 25th Nov.2005
- Ly TD. Performances of HIV Combo Assays versus HIV Antibody Assays and Nucleic AcidTesting” Symposium of Bio-Rad XVI International Society of Blood Transfusion Regional Congress (ISBT), November 2005 Bangkok.
- Ly TD. Sensitivity of Four new Commercial HbsAg Assays to detect Mutant Forms of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen” Symposium of Abbott XVI International Society of Blood Transfusion Regional Congress (ISBT), November 2005 Bangkok.
- Ly TD. HIV Combo kits: latest news. 18th Colloquium in Virology, Versailles (France), November 2005.
- Ly TD., Laperche S., Faucher V., Ebel A. Evaluation of Three New Combined HIV p24 Antigen and Antibody assays XVI International Society of Blood Transfusion Regional Congress (ISBT), November 2005 Bangkok.
- Guilloux L., Hamberger C. Peanut IgE measurements on 242 patients in a routine follow up by DPC CAP system RIA Pharmacia and Immulite 2000 DPC. Allergology Meeting in Paris, 2005.
- Menezo Y. Imprinting, Apoptosis and Embryo Culture Conditions Proceeding of the 13th IVF congress Istanbul 2005.
- Menezo Y. Choosing the right spermatozoon : sperm maturity, DNA fragmentation and embryo quality Proceeding of the 13th IVF congress Istanbul 2005.
- Menezo Y. Search for mutations involved in human globozoospermia MEDIMOND s.r.l. 2005.