Quality Management and Accreditation

The policy of Eurofins Biomnis is to carry out all work to the highest achievable analytical standards through first-class professional laboratory services. We are committed to pushing the boundaries in excellence and efficiency through procedures based on quality assurance.
Our commitment to quality is highlighted by the fact that year on year we have continued to satisfy the stringent requirements of ISO 15189, thereby ensuring we retain and extend the scope of our accreditation.
In 1997, we were the first clinical laboratory to be accredited by ILAB (now INAB) and each year we have continued to retain our accreditation and strive to further expand the scope of accredited tests. Eurofins Biomnis is accredited to the ISO 15189:2012 Medical Testing Standard.
Click Here to see the Eurofins Biomnis INAB Scope
Click Here to see the Eurofins Biomnis INAB Certificate
Moreover, our pathology transport service, Eurofins Lablink, is proud to have been awarded ISO 9001 certification. With a proven track record, unrivaled experience in the transport of biological specimens and Ireland’s largest fleet of dedicated specimen transport vehicles, Eurofins Lablink is Ireland‘s leading pathology transport service.
It is company policy to continually monitor and improve the level of service offered to our clients. Our policies and procedures are closely monitored by our Quality Management Department which plays an important role in ensuring each department performs to the required standard. This department is led by our Quality Director, Brid Muimneach, who oversees our laboratories' quality standards, document management and overall quality system.
Eurofins Biomnis, Eurofins Pathology and Eurofins Clinical Genetics actively participate in recognized External Quality Assessment programs. The results are monitored through both internal and external quality control measures. For a full list of participation in External Quality Assessment programs, click here for further information.